AVG Internet Security merupakan Salah satu Perlindungan terbaik untuk segala hal yang Anda lakukan online dan menyediakan beberapa lapis perlindungan untuk segala hal yang Anda lakukan online, yang berarti Anda tidak perlu khawatir dengan pencurian identitas, virus, atau mengunjungi situs berbahaya.
Berbelanja dan perbankan online secara aman dengan AVG Firewall, AVG Anti-Spam & AVG Identity Protection.
Fitur - fitur terbaru :
* AntiRootkit: Improved detection of new variants of Alureon rootkit.
* AntiSpam: Added IPv6 support in AntiSpam update.
* Core: More flexible virus definitions.
* Core: Improved heuristic detection.
* Core: Optimization of “Scan files referred in registry” in Resident Shield.
* Core: Fixed crash during scan of registry.
* Core: Polymorphic malware detection methods have been optimized.
* Core: Some false alarms removed.
* Documentation: Instructions on fixing the most frequent technical issues have been added to chapter Troubleshooting in Help.
* Firewall: Added support for NTFS volumes mounted as directories.
* Firewall: Firewall settings lists’ items can be selected by the space key.
* Firewall: Fixed displaying ask dialogs for communication of 32-bit applications on 64-bit operating systems.
* General: Added reset button for Anti-Spam statistics.
* General: Extended statistics of SharePoint document scanner component.
* General: Extended statistics of VSAPI and antivirus transport agents components.
* General: Added posibility to switch off scan of outbound emails in VSAPI plug-in.
* General: Added support for Anti-Rootkit exceptions.
* General: AVG products allow sound notifications for specific alerts.
* Kernel: End of MS Outlook 2000/2002 support.
* Kernel: Fixed issue with Resident Shield exclusion list when Kerio mail server is installed.
* Outlook: Fixed compatibility issue with Alt-N Outlook Connector.
* Setup: Setup will ask for restart if the installation of Microsoft redistributables requires it.
* Setup: Fixed incorrect registry rights in Firewall installation.
* Setup: Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 is detected as conflicting application.
* Safe Search: Fixed crash in Google Chrome when BitDefender TrafficLight is enabled.
* Safe Search: Fixed LinkScanner crash during common browsing.
* Safe Search: Optimization for framesets implemented.
* Setup: Fixed crash when saving log files in setup.
* Setup: Fixed issue with detection of competitive products.
* Toolbar: Toolbar introduces a new feature for private browsing.
* Update: Last update time displayed in AVG user interface changes only if the update was successful.
* User Interface: Several components were grouped together to reduce number of components in overview.
* User Interface: Fixed handling of duplicates in Resident Shield exceptions list.
* User Interface: Added default settings for advanced “Identity Protection settings” dialog.
* User Interface: Fixed notification about logged in users in restart request dialog.
# Cara menginstalnya : mudah sekali, anda cuma perlu lakukan Setup/installer dan memasukkan Serial Number.
ScreenShot AVG Internet Security Full version :
# Download AVG Internet Security 2012 (Installer)
# Download Serial Number AVG IS 2012
31 komentar:
Thx sharenya... keep share :D
makasih keynya ya
netbook saya pake asus, tp pas di install tak selesei2 pas menyimpan file nya..!!! solusi nya gmn..???
mas adhie, ane jg pake notebook asus gan. tpi mulus aja kok selsai ^^.. coba gan Uninstall program AVG dlu dengan program Revo uninstaller pro, untuk penjelasannya bisa baca sini :
klo slsai uninstall restart dulu laptop dan coba install ulang avg lg.. ^^
makasih sebelumnya atas softwarenya,,
saya udah coba semua serial numbernya,,
tapi kenapa ga ada yang cocok,,
mohon bantuannya yaa,,,
terima kasih...!!! :)
Mau nyoba ke TKP tapi posting diatas saya kok katanya gak berhasil.. :(
gan itu avgyang 2012 full version kan?
gan itu avg yang 2012 full version kan??
gan thank you yahc atas serial number na
avg gw kdaluarsanya nti 2018
go to TKP...!!!!
thanks sharenya...
Terima Kasih banyak share nya ....
gan...sy udh coba Lisensi ny tp ada fitur ny yg diblg batas kadaluwarsa....gmn solusinya gan.....thanks atas infonya
keygen serial number bekerja lamanya sampai senin26 febuari,2018
tq sharingnya boss..the best about AVG insternet securiy 2012 is video accelerator!!..business not good for home user..if anyone got problem installing or want to remove anti virus, pls use AVGREMOVER or appremover from appremover.com..enjoy..
he he mantappppp
kok serial numberx kadalwarsa???????????????
gan, ane dah coba semua seral numbernya, tp semuanya udh kadaluarsa neh, ada solusinya ga gan ??? btw thx bgt ya ^^
terimakasih sob bermanfaat banget
masih bisa dk in keygennya gan??
gan..cara masukin licensenya begimana yah? mohon balasannya ya ^_^
Maaantaap bo....!
Hallo my brorhers n Sister...saya mendownload avg free 2012, tapi ko setelah diinstal malah ada beberapa fiturnya kadalauarsa...terus setiap kali saya melakukan perbaikan tidak pernah berhasil..mala sudah sampai ditengah katanya pembaharuan gagal..................tolong ya kalau ada yg tahu solusinya, thanks atas infonya
makasih bgt gan serial na berfungsi, dan exp sampe 2018
Ini dia antivirus yang saya cari-cari. Thanks ya admin. Lanjut postingnya ya.
Ini gnanya untuk apa'an si??
instal nya berapa lama sih
Numpang tanya, AVG sama Bitdeffender bagusan mana ya gan ?
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